SchoonerSQL™ is and will remain 100% MySQL and InnoDB compliant, assuring that customer investments in MySQL are fully preserved. SchoonerSQL is not a rewrite of MySQL and InnoDB; SchoonerSQL is built using the MySQL and InnoDB commercial source code. Schooner rigorously sticks to this standard and does not introduce any incompatibilities that could lock in a customer to Schooner's products. Schooner has developed an extensive automated QA test suites and a large verification server farm to ensure standard compliance.
SchoonerSQL enhances and optimizes MySQL, going beyond to provide many unique benefits such as:
1. 99.999% availability with auto fail-over across LAN/MAN/WAN
2. Guarantees no data loss and no stale data with “synchronous read masters”
3. High scalability and performance inside or across data centers
4. Simplified GUI -> Monitor and Manage the entire server environment
These benefits are not available from any other MySQL distribution, with or without the various add-ons.
Our rigorous adherence to MySQL and InnoDB means that database users can anytime switch from community MySQL to SchoonerSQL or back. There's never any need to change schemas or data. Porting data from community MySQL and InnoDB to SchoonerSQL, which is an easy step, has several benefits and advantages:
1. No migration problems
2. Zero data type changes
3. No running of special scripts or mysql_upgrade command to check in-compatibilities
4. Very little downtime
5. No need to hire special database expertise
Consider an example: If a company X is presently using community MySQL, these are the simple steps it needs to follow after deciding to use SchoonerSQL:
1. Backup data and transaction logs
2. Backup MySQL configuration file(s)
3. Uninstall community MySQL
4. Install SchoonerSQL.
5. Restore saved data and transaction logs.
6. Put the proper settings into the instance configuration (using our GUI or by editing the new /etc/my.cnf file)
7. Start the instance.
Same process applies to users who want to move back from SchoonerSQL to Community MySQL. No Vendor- Lock in.
To sum up, Schooner does not lock you in since we are fully standard based and 100% compatible with MySQL and InnoDB. Users can reap the benefits of SchoonerSQL features and never worry about vendor-lock in.