Friday, February 17, 2012

Schooner On-Demand Webinars now Available

Database Best Practices for 2012: A Roadmap to Lower TCO

Intended for IT Directors, C-level executives and their direct reports. If your organization suffers from unavailable, inaccurate or less-than-instantaneous data and struggle to strike a balance between affordable IT solutions and those that really deliver, join this webinar series to learn more about high availability paradigm shifts and business continuity best practices.


Tips, Tricks and Tools to Improve DBA Quality of Life: A Schooner Tech Series

Intended for DBAs and Sys Admins responsible for managing, monitoring and maintaining data centers.

More information can be found here:- (click on Webinars)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One SchoonerSQL node provides more throughput than nine Clustrix nodes - Part 1

Percona recently evaluated the performance of Clustrix appliances by running tpcc-mysql benchmark at a scale factor of 5000 warehouse.
Based on Percona’s blog, each Clustrix appliance node comprises of the following:
  • 2x Intel 4-core processors (Xeon)
  • 48GB RAM (40GB allocated to InnoDB buffer pool)
  • 7x Intel SSD G2 (160GB each), software RAID0
The following results are taken from the report for Clustrix (tpcc-mysql new-order transactions/ 10 seconds):

For convenience, the above results have been converted to TPM (transactions/minute):

You can download the detailed white paper here:
Clustrix_TPCC_Percona_White Paper

The SchoonerSQL Comparison
We were curious to see what a single instance of SchoonerSQL (a full distribution of MySQL/InnoDB)  on a single node could compare at the same benchmark scale - 5000 warehouses with the same benchmark, tpcc-mysql from Percona.

SchoonerSQL was installed on a system with the following configuration:
  • 2x Intel 6-core processors (Westmere)
  • 92GB DRAM (72GB used for InnoDB buffer pool)
  • 8x OCZ SSDs (200GB each) (can be alternatively replaced with FusionIO or Intel)
  • 2x SAS HDDs with NVRAM in RAID controller (for OS and commit log)
Result summary: At 64 connections with exactly the same workload conditions, a single SchoonerSQL node measured more throughput than 9 Clustrix nodes.